Over any Shabbat or Yom Tov that a taxi is needed for travel to or from the local hospitals, we have arranged for the A-A Checker Cab Company to provide these rides. The cab company is familiar with the procedures for Shabbat and Chagim. Therefore, if you think that you may need this service, please call Bikur Cholim at 732-572-7181. Otherwise, on Shabbat or a Yom Tov, please call the A-A Checker Cab Company directly at 732-545-2300. If you are in the hospital, you should ask a nurse to call on your behalf.
Payment to cover the taxi ride can be made to Bikur Cholim after Shabbat or the Holiday on the donation page or checks can be sent to:
Bikur Cholim of Raritan Valley
7 Marshall Drive
Edison, NJ 08817