1 Robert Wood Johnson Pl, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
(732) 828-3000
Shabbat Access
The majority of the external and internal doors at RWJUH are electronic. The following is a guide for use on Shabbat.
Walk up the stairs of the main entrance of the hospital on Somerset Street. Enter through the manual door to the left or right of the circular door. (If entering through the manual doors, stay to the extreme left side of the door in order not to activate the electronic doors at the main entrance.)
Tower floors 4 – 9
At the admittance desk, turn right and walk towards the Tower elevators. You will see a sign that reads “Bikur Cholim Hospitality Center”. Turn left. On the right is the locker and straight ahead is a door. That door leads to the stairwell that will take you to floors 4-9 in the Tower building. If the doors are locked, please go back to the front desk and ask for assistance.
Labor & Delivery, Maternity and Pediatrics
All labor and delivery, maternity and pediatric floors are protected by locked automatic doors. They can only be accessed with a magnetic card held by employees of the hospital.
North Building (Intensive Care & Oncology)
At admittance desk, turn left. On the right are a set of elevators, straight ahead is a staircase. Take the stairs to the second floor. Turn left and walk through the corridor. The last door on the right of the corridor leads up to 3-6 North.
South Building & 2 Core
Facing the admittance desk in the main entrance, left and straight ahead is a long corridor. At the end of this corridor bear left. Continue straight until you come to a large open area called the Atrium. Walk towards the building that says “Medical Education Building, UMDNJ” and make a right. Walk towards the door of the Core Pavilion. To the immediate left of the elevators is a set of stairs. Take the stairs one flight down to the ground floor or French Street or one flight up to 2 Core. Turn right and follow hallway around until you see the sign “South Building Medical Unit”. (These doors are automatic and contain sensors on top of the doors.)
Shabbat Elevators
The elevators designated “Shabbat Elevators” are programmed to stop at each floor. Each Friday afternoon and Erev Yom Tov, the hospital activates this mode. Please consult your Rabbi regarding the circumstances when you may use them.
Bikur Cholim Hospitality Center
In conjunction with RWJUH, the Bikur Cholim provides a hospitality center for the benefit of patients and their family members. The Hospitality Center is stocked weekly with kosher and special Shabbat food, prayer books, electric candlesticks and reading material.
The Hospitality Center is located on the first floor of the hospital. Go through the main entrance and bear left towards the gift shop. Turn right through the double doors. Follow the hall and turn right. The room is located opposite the surgical intensive care unit. It can be accessed by using the combination, Dalet-Gimmel-Heh. Please follow the instructions located inside the center.

Kosher Food Service At RWJUH
Kosher meals are available for patients and are primarily supplied by “Meal Mart”, which is under the Kashruth supervision of the CRC, the Orthodox Union and Satmar.
- There is a kosher menu, with a special kosher menu for Shabbat (served Fridays and Shabbat), which was developed by RWJ’s Food Service based on conversations with patients who had ordered kosher food. Patients should be sure to ask for the kosher menu.
- Patients ordering kosher food can also order extra fresh fruit, boxes of Cheerios, etc. if they wish. Fresh fruit can be washed and dried in the patient’s room.
- The Food Service staff is trained on how to deal with the kosher food (e.g., not putting a milk carton on a tray for a meat meal). Please do not hesitate to help the staff do their best by explaining ahead of time any special handling that is of concern to the patient.
- Patients should feel free to reach out to the Food Service department directly. The extension is 2260. Ask for Jill or Amanda or a supervisor. They will be happy to try to meet patients’ needs.
For family members, Kosher food is available in the Bikur Cholim Hospitality Center on the main floor. Any personal food placed in the Bikur Cholim refrigerator must be labeled with the patient’s name and room number. All non-labeled food will be discarded. Kosher food may also be purchased in the hospital cafeteria provided by Glatt 27, which is under the hashgacha of the Vaad Harabonim of the Raritan Valley.
Please note: There is no Mashgiach (kashruth supervisor) in the kitchen. Accordingly, patients may wish to check each item carefully (e.g. that each item is wrapped properly and that there is plastic-ware instead of silver-ware on the tray). If you have any specific questions about the kosher food at the hospital, please contact the hospital food service.
The Pastoral Care Office
The Pastoral Care Office, located on the first floor of the hospital, is committed to improving the quality of patient care. Special religious needs may be discussed with the Chaplain in the Pastoral Care Office, 732-937-8504. If there is no one available at the Pastoral Care Office, a staff member can be reached by calling the hospital operator.
Patient Visiting
Volunteers from the Bikur Cholim, as well as other Jewish organizations, visit patients regularly to provide a friendly face and a connection to the local Jewish community. Patients who indicate “Jewish” as their faith on the hospital admission form may receive visitors from the Bikur Cholim, as well as other organizations or synagogues.
There is an Eruv in New Brunswick and in Highland Park/Edison. All local hospitals in New Brunswick, as well as the Hyatt and Heldrich Hotels, the Chabad House and Congregation Poile Zedek* are within the Eruv boundaries.
The Highland Park and New Brunswick Eruvim are connected. Please note that the river side of River Road is not in the Eruv.
For information before Shabbat on the status of the Eruv, please call the Highland Park Eruv at 732-247-3788 and the New Brunswick Eruv at 732-545-6123 or visit www.hperuv.org
* Due to a tragic and devastating fire, Congregation Poile Zedek is not currently holding services at the Neilson Street location.
Shabbat Accommodations
Options for Shabbat accommodations include hospitality in the local Highland Park / Edison community as well as the Chaim v’Chesed Guest House.